Turun Metsänkävijät and Rogaining Finland arranges European Rogaining Championships 2023 in Southwest Finland at Pöytyä municipality September 9th - 10th 2023.
30.9.2023 European champions 2023 Timmo and Sander in an interview with Estonian Broadcasting Company at ERR Sport. Besides of Estonians, at least Finns can understand a word or two.
23.9.2023 Course setter's blog #6 after-competition-post at Course Setter’s Blog
22.9.2023 New blog entry added to the Competitors Blog
The team MuSi from Finland tell's after competition feelings at blog #4
11.9.2023 Congratulations to the winners! We also want to thank all the participants and everybody else who was there.
The organizers of the ERC2023
10.9.2023 New photos from the competition at Google Photos
9.9.2023 Follow online results with split times for finished teams.
8.9.2023 Staying home? Follow competition's GPS-tracking with unofficial live results.
7.9.2023 Please read last minute comments from the course setter (pdf).
5.9.2023 Bulletin 4 updated to Bulletin 4.1 (pdf). New and updated text with yellow background.
4.9.2023 Competition startlist is published. Please check that your team details are correct!
2.9.2023 Competition control descriptions (pdf) are now published!
1.9.2023 Pre-event training is now possible at the model map (pdf). Controls will be in the forest starting on Monday September 4.
27.8.2023 Course setter’s remarks on the map and mapping (pdf) is updated.
25.8.2023 New blog entry added to the Competitors Blog
Blog #3 is an introduction of the team Koerad from Estonia.
22.8.2023 Services shop closes on next Sunday 27.8.2023 24:00!
If you still have needs for Friday-Saturday floor accommodation or bus transport between Riihi and Raasi or from/to Turku, NOW IS TIME TO ORDER!
21.8.2023 New blog entry added to the Competitors Blog
The team MuSi from Finland continues with blog #2. If you want to tell something about your team, please contact erc2023@tume.fi
18.8.2023 Bulletin 4 (pdf) is now published!
15.8.2023 Possibility to pre-order the ERC2023 shirt in the Services shop (delivery to the competition center) ends today. From tomorrow the only way to buy the shirt is via the True Story web shop. Note that it is not possible to buy an ERC2023 shirt in the competition center.
Click shirt to rotate!
11.8.2023 FRC2019 map (pdf) added to the Competition info page. Feel free to use in route planning exercises.
11.8.2023 10 FACTS about European Rogaining Championships
● The race will start on Saturday, September 9th at 1pm.
● 500-600 participants from nearly 20 countries are expected to take part.
● The competition time is 24 hours.
● The competition center is located in Raasinkorpi, military training area.
● The competition area is over 200 km2
● There will be around 90 controls in the terrain.
● The size of the race map is A1 (59 x 84 cm)
● Top teams will travel by foot around 150 kilometers
● In rogaining planning is important part of the race. The maps will be handed out to the competitors 3 hours before the start.
● During the race competitors can sleep in their tents in the competition center area and enjoy food offered by the organizers.
2.8.2023 Course setter’s remarks on the map and mapping (pdf) is released. Please read this document carefully and note specially the remarks concerning national park's out of bounds (forbidden areas) markings.
24.7.2023 Would you like to participate but haven't found a partner yet? Runner bank could be a solution for the problem. Send us an email erc2023@tume.fi and we'll publish your contact information at our website. Hopefully someone will find you. Please tell us:
● Your name
● Your email
● Preferred class / possible classes
● What kind of rogainer you're looking for?
● What are your goals?
30.6.2023 The entry fee can be paid now with Smartum, Epassi and Edenred vouchers issued in Finland . For more information, see the instructions (pdf in Finnish) on the Competition info page.
IRF Rules of Rogaining (pdf) added to the Competition info page.
29.6.2023 Bulletin 3 (pdf) is released.
24.6.2023 The present entry fee period ends by June 30! Less than a week to enter with the current entry fee.
If you're wondering how to get to ERC2023 and where to stay, here's something for you.
“Getting to Turku is a piece of cake. The city has an airport, harbour, bus depot, and three railway stations, so you’re bound to find an option that’s just right for you.”
We will arrange bus transportation to the competition center on Saturday morning, September 9, 2023 from Turku harbor, the main bus and railway stations, and the city center. Likewise, bus transportation from the competition centers back to Turku on Sunday after the race is arranged. The cost of the different transport options is provided in the registration system. The exact schedule for the bus transportation will be published closer to the competition.
Camping overnight in the competition center is possible both before (Fri-Sat) and after (Sun-Mon) the race. Hard floor accommodation before the race (Fri-Sat) is possible in Riihi where banquet and prize-giving ceremony occur. Staying overnight in Turku is something we can also warmly recommend. Additionally we’ve started to gather information of possible accommodation providers and the list is published soon on our website. Finally, several accommodation companies can be found also via different search engines, travel agencies and travel companies.
Tips for travelling and accommodation can be found also from en.visitturku.fi
27.4.2023 The present entry fee period ends by April 30, those of you who have not yet enrolled, you should all act now! Less than 4 days to enter with the current entry fee.
Where are the Swedes and Norwegians
? No enrollments have come from those neighbors. This is why our organization decided to create an extra temptation for those particular Scandinavians: the first two Swedes and Norwegians to register will get a 50% discount off the entry fee. Kom igen Svenska och Norska!
25.4.2023 Course setter's blog #5 post at Course Setter’s Blog
3.3.2023 Bulletin News: As we do not have anything new essential to inform about the ERC arrangements at this point, Bulletin 3 publication will be postponed to late April.
9.2.2023 Finnish championships in Rogaining will take place on the varied terrains of the Loviisan region on 6-7 May 2023. The event is an excellent warm-up for the Rogaining European Championships in the Turun region at the end of summer. First-timers and other adventurers can participate in the shorter courses, which are surely a worthy experience.
8.2.2023 New Competitors Blog is for a team introductions and for stories about preparations to competition. If you want to tell something about your team, Please contact erc2023@tume.fi
Blog #1 is an introduction of the team MuSi from Finland.
1.2.2023 The Mayor of Turku Minna Arve is the patron of ERC2023!
1.2.2023 ERC2023 Service shop is now open!
You can order floor accommodation, transport and fabulous official ERC2023 shirt from there.
Click shirt to rotate!
29.1.2023 Course setter's fourth blog post at Course Setter’s Blog
1.1.2023 Happy New Year! ERC2023 entry is now open!
31.12.2022 Course setter has added third blog post, Course Setter’s Blog
30.12.2023 Training map 1, shown on the Embargo and important locations map, is the map of Finnish Rogaining Championships 2019. The map with FRC2019 GPS tracks can be seen here.
30.11.2022 Bulletin 2 (pdf) is released.
15.11.2022 Course setter’s blog posts can be read from here, Course Setter’s Blog and on Facebook
. Two posts has already been published.
18.8.2022 Bulletin 1 (pdf) is updated. Embargoed area restrictions are redefined.
16.6.2022 Message to Nordic orienteerers:
Welcome to European Rogaining Championships 2023 in Egentliga Finland (pdf)
14.6.2022 Bulletin 1 (pdf) is released.
14.6.2022 Official ERC2023 pre competition: Finnish Championship Competition in Sulkava, July 30th - 31st 2022.
14.6.2022 Flyer (pdf) is released.
18.5.2022 Bulletin 1 will be announced soon.
Questions? Please contact erc2023@tume.fi